Certificate in Teaching English to Very Young Learners
at Kindergartens

Course starts: TBA
Enrolment ends: TBA
Course length: 64 units (45 mins each) of lectures and workshops (4 week-ends) plus
10 hours of kindergarten practice (week days)
Course assessment: Methodology – focus on very young learners – exam
Pronunciation test
Teaching practice competence assessment
Course award: Certificate in Teaching English to Very Young Learners
Course fee: 1275 zł (16,50 zł per lesson)

Who is it for?

For teachers in training (students) and teachers who begin their work, the course provides essential information about teaching kindergarten children, in a clear, engaging and comprehensible manner.

The course will also be of value to teachers who already work, as it focuses on contemporary issues and provides up-to-date overviews of recent developments.

Training for a career at CEU "MY SCHOOL"

For over 20 years now, CEU "My School", using its original methodology, has been involved in teaching English to small children at several Tri-City kindergartens. We employ qualified YL teachers and delegate them to local kindergartens, where children are exposed to English in an interesting but controlled way, for 5 hours a day. Now, we open our door to share our experience with you!

You can become a part of this extraordinary set by completing the course and winning one of the two top places - for the best will be given the earliest opportunity of joining our team full-time.

UWAGA osoby na poziomie B2 znajomości języka angielskiego !!!

Dla osób na poziomie B2 (Upper Intermediate) studiujących inne kierunki filologiczne, pedagogiczne oraz inne fakultety mamy do zaproponowania intensywny kurs języka angielskiego przygotowujący do kursu Certificate in Teaching English to Very Young Learners at Kindergartens

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Projekt graficzny i layout - Aga Plieth